We are giving away beta keys for WildStar

De Searchology
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WildStar will be an nearing science fiction MMO which will take place on a planet known as Nexus, on which a magical and mighty race known as the Eldan were vanished leaving behind a plenty of technology and mysteries for people to discover. The game will be around adventuring, discovering the secrets of planet Nexus, and also exploring what exactly went on to the original citizens, as well as the continuing combating around the planet among the 2 player factions - Exiles plus Dominion.

Follow our website and find out how to get a gratis beta key for WildStar!

Rare to WildStar is one Path , in which on top of picking a combat class for the character, you select a playing element that characterizes the way you play MMORPG's, counting to the groups of Explorer, Soldier, Scientist and Settler.

WildStar has the regular subscription model, where players get one month of game time for free, with the initial game purchase, and from then there is a recurring fee for other gaming duration. WildStar is integrating one system, in which players can

After one big Winter beta phase Carbine have paused handing out WildStar Beta Keys!

In case you are still desperate to test the game or perhaps even return after one former weekend was really entertaining, we can most probably save you out!

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