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Most significantly, let your heart decide in which you wish to go and just what you want to see. This might sound silly, but I think that we should let our curiosity, desires and wanderlust bring us. Visiting only "popular" gay destinations, or visiting only places deemed "gay-friendly" by others, is an extremely limiting method to live life. I've traveled around the world and usually in the company of my husband. Not once, not anywhere, are we have you been made to feel unwanted while we were travelling.

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Now granted, we might haven't visited the most homophobic places on the planet, but we have been to countries that aren't considered to be "gay-friendly", like Egypt. Because of the press, we're able to obtain the impression that the minute a gay man sets foot on Egyptian soil he'll be imprisoned. This could not be further from the truth. There are many causes of this.

First, for many people, nobody can know if you're gay or not just by taking a look at you. It may seem you're walking around using the words "I'm gay" written in your forehead, but they're not. And if you don't walk down the street inside a lip-lock together with your boyfriend, no-one can know if you're gay. Sure, some people tend to be more "flamboyant" than others, but "flamboyant" can also be relative to the culture you're in. The attention you might receive through the residents is most likely because you look like a tourist, not since you look gay.

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This brings us to the 2nd point, you're a tourist. Because you're a tourist, most everyone is going to adore you. Your presence props up local economy, gives people jobs and puts food on their tables. Even when someone does not approve of gay people, they are not likely likely to be cruel or chase you out of the shop or restaurant if they think you're gay. This is true everywhere we go as gay people, not just when we're travelling. A merchant or restaurant within America is extremely unlikely to refuse you service for the same financial reason. Yes, there can be zealots anywhere which will refuse you service, but that is actually more prone to take place in your house town than to occur when you are vacationing. Gay friendly tourism

Last, governments aren't people. A lot of the world hated the American government's policies during the George W. Bush years, yet they did not blame or hate the American people. I was told this countless times and in many countries through the residents. Must be government has an anti-gay attitude or laws, it does not mean that the folks in the pub have the same attitudes. It's been my experience that if you treat others based, provide a smile, say please and thank you (especially using the local language), most people could care less whom you love or whom you sleep with.

All this being said, you need to do need to practice a little common sense during gay travel (so when you're in your home town for instance). Here are few suggests remember while travelling:

Don't Be The "Ugly American" America is not the only country in the world. We do not own the world so don't act like you are much better than the neighborhood people.

Respect Local Customs And Traditions American ways and traditions are no better or worse than any other culture's. Discover the local cultural traditions and follow them. You will gather a lot more disapproval from local people by not following local customs than you will when you are gay.

Learn A Little From the Local Language Learn at least several words from the local language. The most important words to understand are "hello", "good-bye", "please" and "thank you". I have had many wonderful encounters with residents just because I said (or at best tried to say) "thank you" in their own individual language.

Visiting Known Gay Establishments If you are going to a country which has a strong anti-gay bias and/or anti-gay laws, don't visit known local gay clubs or any other "gay gathering places". This one is a "no-brainer".

Need to see my banana? Say no to solicitations to purchase sex, no matter how cute he is!

Smile Smile, smile a lot. You're on vacation for goodness sake. Smile, laugh, have some fun and enjoy the people you encounter.

Leave Your Impatience In your own home The entire world doesn't run in the same pace as America does (thank heavens). Leave the rushing in your own home; opt for the neighborhood flow; have fun playing the local conception of your time.

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