El filósofo Gong Sun long Zi

De Gongsunlongzi
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El comentarista Song Lian 宋濂 de la Dinastía Ming escrbió:

'"El significado de 'un caballo blanco no es un caballo', las palabras de 'la dureza blanca es lo mismo diferente', hasta el final no he podido comprenderlas, después de numerosas veces de lectura, las veo como el movimiento del Dragón y la Serpiente, todo lo que pregunto salta y vuela, desbordado no puedo ponerle mi mano?.'

Se dijo de Long en Kongcongzi (Kong Cong Zi or Kong Congzi), compilado por Kong Fu 孔鮒 (a.c 208) :

'Gongsun Long and Zigao met once more for a general debate at prince Pingyuan's palace. While they were debating the principle of right and wrong, they came across the case of "Zang has three ears." Gongsun Long presented the case of Zang's three ears in a perfected style of eloquence. Zigao did not answer and abruptly left. The next day he had another audience with prince Pingyuan. The prince said: "Yesterday, Gongsun Long's words were truly well argued. What do you, sir, really think of them?" Zigao replied: "Indeed, he was almost able to show that Zang has three ears. Nevertheless, it is really difficult. I should like to ask you another question. To make Zang have three ears is extremely difficult and in fact wrong. To say Zang has two ears is very easy and in fact right. I do not know if you wold rather take the easy way and be right, or take the difficult way and be wrong." The prince Pingyuan was unable to answer. The next day he said to Gongsun Long: "Do not ever argue with Kong Zigao. In his character, principle prevails over words; in your, words prevail over principle. When one's words prevail over one's principle, one will always be defeated." Translated by Yoav Ariel, published by Princeton University Press.'

公孫龍 12.2.公孫龍又與子高記論於平原君,所辨理至於臧三耳。公孫龍言臧之三耳甚辨析。 子高弗應俄而辭出。明日復見平原君曰:「疇昔公孫之言信辨也。先生實以為何如?」答曰:「然幾能臧三耳矣。 雖然實難僕願得又問於君。今為臧三耳甚難而實非也。謂臧兩耳甚易而實是也。不知君將從易而是者乎?亦從難而非者乎?」 平原君弗能應。明日謂公孫龍曰:「公無復與孔子高辨事也。其人理勝於辭。公辭勝於理。辭勝於理終必受詘。」