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Revisión a fecha de 13:50 13 mar 2014; TammaOchoa272 (Discusión | contribuciones)

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Every telecommuter needs to go out sometime. Maybe to get some fresh air - possibly even obtain a little work done at a local coffee shop. While in the local coffee shop, sipping a latte and crunching sales projections, you may get that uneasy feeling which you may not be the only one crunching your numbers. Do you would rather avoid putting your sensitive data displayed to passersby and curious onlookers? Have you seen the silly 3M commercials throughout the CNN morning news and therefore are curious when the 3M Privacy Guard actually works? Laptop Privacy Screen

If you answered "yes" either to of these questions, read on. The 3M Privacy Filter may be useful for you.

The 3M Privacy Filter is marketed towards those whose work may need utilizing a laptop in public areas. Including telecommuters preferring to work inside a public wireless hotspot (Starbucks, Panera Bread) in addition to frequent business travelers who often focus on sensitive information in airplanes and trains.

3M's marketing literature makes many claims of their performance. Within this review, I will make an effort to verify or deny those claims. Additionally, I'll offer input based on my usage of the 3M Privacy Filter in the last couple of months on a 15.4" widescreen Macbook Pro.

The 3M Privacy Filter promises the following: Narrowing of the viewing area therefore the screen data is visible simply to those directly while watching monitor

Performs without distortion

Reduces screen glare

Guards against scratches

Unobtrusive design does not hinder speakers or monitor controls

Simple to attach and take away - can be left in place when laptop is closed

Overall design

The 3M Privacy filter mounts to the laptop screen with clear plastic mounting tabs with - you got it right; 3m adhesive. There are a total of three tabs used in this installation. As suggested through the included mounting instructions, two were put on both sides of the screen and one at the end. After several months of usage, the mounting tabs are still firmly attached and have not degraded in performance or visual appeal. There's a small round cutout towards the top of the Privacy Filter. This is to facilitate easy removal. Even though it is quite apparent within the photos, it is not a distraction. The largest issue with these mounting tabs would be that the privacy filter bows inward when closing laptops. This can be a smaller amount of an issue with a smaller screen, nevertheless the behemoth 15.4" Macbook Pro screen causes bowing in the filter upon closure. This bowing from the filter has no effect on performance, only presents its self as an annoyance when closing the laptop.

Item Performance

In normal light settings with an individual sitting directly next to the laptop with the Privacy Filter applied, an incredibly large number of the screen is invisible to the onlooker adjacent to the user. The filter does a great job of concealing the screen data. However, don't expect the Privacy Filter to utilize individuals directly behind you! This drawback is probably to happen when sitting in an aisle seat on an airplane. It's still possible to view some degree of screen data in cases like this.

As i've already explained, the notch in the top left area of the screen is to facilitate easy elimination of the privacy filter for when it is not required.

3M states screen information is not distorted when viewed beneath the Privacy Filter. This claim holds true, to a point. Screen information is not "Warped", however the screen is noticeably darker. Most documents possess a white background, in which case this isn't too negative of a factor. If however watching a darker movie, expect home loan business brightness. Even just in sunlight, the screen continues to be usable however this likely varies based on the quality of your laptop's backlight.

The reduction in brightness is quite noticeable, but because with everything else, the trade-off between security and usefulness is omnipresent, like an overseeing deity of sorts.


Whilst not perfect, the 3M Privacy Filter does live up to nearly all its claims. Due to its easily removable nature, it is best used when entering a public area where the privacy and security of your screen information is at the largest risk. When privacy is not required, the screen is definitely removed and stored in the provided packaging.

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