Texto de Zhuang Zi Tian Xia sobre Hui Shi

De Gongsunlongzi
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Sobre 惠施 / 惠子 (370-310 A.C), del Zhuang Zi, donde se menciona "惠施多方". Puede consultarse Ctext.org

天下: 惠施多方,其書五車,其道舛駁,其言也不中。歷物之意,曰:“至大無外,謂之大一;至小無內,謂之小一。無厚不可積也,其大千里。天與地卑,山與澤平。日方中方睨,物方生方死。大同而與小同異,此之謂小同異;萬物畢同畢異,此之謂大同異。南方無窮而有窮,今日適越而昔來。連環可解也。我知天下之中央,燕之北,越之南是也。氾愛萬物,天地一體也。” Tian Xia: Hui Shi had many ingenious notions. His writings would fill five carriages; but his doctrines were erroneous and contradictory, and his words were wide of their mark. Taking up one thing after another, he would say: 'That which is so great that there is nothing outside it may be called the Great One; and that which is so small that there is nothing inside it maybe called the Small One.' 'What has no thickness and will not admit of being repeated is 1000 li in size.' 'Heaven may be as low as the earth.' 'A mountain may be as level as a marsh.' ' The sun in the meridian may be the sun declining.' 'A creature may be born to life and may die at the same time.' '(When it is said that) things greatly alike are different from things a little alike, this is what is called making little of agreements and differences; (when it is said that) all things are entirely alike or entirely different, this is what is called making much of agreements and differences.' 'The south is unlimited and yet has a limit.' 'I proceed to Yue to-day and came to it yesterday.' 'Things which are joined together can be separated.' 'I know the centre of the world - it is north of Yan or south of Yue.' 'If all things be regarded with love, heaven and earth are of one body (with me).'

惠施以此為大觀於天下而曉辯者,天下之辯者相與樂之。卵有毛,雞三足,郢有天下,犬可以為羊,馬有卵,丁子有尾,火不熱,山出口,輪不蹍地,目不見,指不至,至不絕,龜長於蛇,矩不方,規不可以為圓,鑿不圍枘,飛鳥之景未嘗動也,鏃矢之疾而有不行不止之時,狗非犬,黃馬、驪牛三,白狗黑,孤駒未嘗有母,一尺之捶,日取其半,萬世不竭。辯者以此與惠施相應,終身無窮。 Hui Shi by such sayings as these made himself very conspicuous throughout the kingdom, and was considered an able debater. All other debaters vied with one another and delighted in similar exhibitions. (They would say), 'There are feathers in an egg.' 'A fowl has three feet.' 'The kingdom belongs to Ying.' 'A dog might have been (called) a sheep.' 'A tadpole has a tail.' 'Fire is not hot.' 'A mountain gives forth a voice.' 'A wheel does not tread on the ground.' 'The eye does not see.' 'The finger indicates, but needs not touch, (the object).' 'Where you come to may not be the end.' 'The tortoise is longer than the snake.' 'The carpenter's square is not square.' 'A compass should not itself be round.' 'A chisel does not surround its handle.' 'The shadow of a flying bird does not (itself) move.' 'Swift as the arrowhead is, there is a time when it is neither fiying nor at rest.' 'A dog is not a hound.' 'A bay horse and a black ox are three.' 'A white dog is black.' 'A motherless colt never had a mother.' 'If from a stick a foot long you every day take the half of it, in a myriad ages it will not be exhausted.' - It was in this way that the debaters responded to Hui Shi, all their lifetime, without coming to an end.

桓團、公孫龍辯者之徒,飾人之心,易人之意,能勝人之口,不能服人之心,辯者之囿也。惠施日以其知,與人之辯,特與天下之辯者為怪,此其柢也。 Huan Tuan and Gong-sun Long were true members of this class. By their specious representations they threw a glamour over men's minds and altered their ideas. They vanquished men in argument, but could not subdue their minds, only keeping them in the enclosure of their sophistry. Hui Shi daily used his own knowledge and the arguments of others to propose strange theses to all debaters - such was his practice.

然惠施之口談,自以為最賢,曰:“天地其壯乎!”施存雄而無術。南方有倚人焉,曰黃繚,問天地所以不墜不陷,風雨雷霆之故。惠施不辭而應,不慮而對,遍為萬物說;說而不休,多而無已,猶以為寡,益之以怪。以反人為實,而欲以勝人為名,是以與眾不適也。弱於德,陳於物,其塗隩矣。由天地之道觀惠施之能,其猶一蚉一虻之勞者也,其於物也何庸!夫充一尚可,曰愈貴,道幾矣!惠施不能以此自寧,散於萬物而不厭,卒以善辯為名。惜乎!惠施之才,駘蕩而不得,逐萬物而不反,是窮響以聲,形與影競走也。悲夫! At the same time he would talk freely of himself, thinking himself the ablest among them, and saying, 'In heaven or earth who is my match?' Shi maintained indeed his masculine energy, but he had not the art (of controversy). In the south there was a man of extraordinary views, named Huang Liao, who asked him how it was that the sky did not fall nor the earth sink, and what was the cause of wind, rain, and the thunder's roll and crash. Shi made no attempt to evade the questions, and answered him without any exercise of thought, talking about all things, without pause, on and on without end; yet still thinking that his words were few, and adding to them the strangest observations. He thought that to contradict others was a real triumph, and wished to make himself famous by overcoming them; and on this account he was not liked by the multitude of debaters. He was weak in real attainment, though he might seem strong in comparison with others, and his way was narrow and dark. If we look at Hui Shi's ability from the standpoint of Heaven and Earth, it was only like the restless activity of a mosquito or gadfly; of what service was it to anything? To give its full development to any one capacity is a good thing, and he who does so is in the way to a higher estimation of the Dao; but Hui Shi could find no rest for himself in doing this. He diffused himself over the world of things without satiety, till in the end he had only the reputation of being a skilful debater. Alas! Hui Shi, with all his talents, vast as they were, made nothing out; he pursued all subjects and never came back (with success). It was like silencing an echo by his shouting, or running a race with his shadow. Alas!

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